Prozt - CM13/CM12 Theme


not available

NOTE: To use different color variants in Prozt, you need to customize the theme with a separate companion dashboard app that can be installed from here: the dashboard app, you can customize the theme fonts, wallpapers, toggle between light and dark themes and use various theme color configurations designed by me.
Prozt officially supports the following ROMS:- CyanogenMod 13- CyanogenMod 12.1- CyanogenOS 12.1 (Dialer app is not supported)Other ROMs with theme engine may be supported upon requests sent via G+ community or Email (Links at bottom).
NOTE: Prozt is optimised only for xxhdpi and higher density devices. Please don't provide negative feedback or support requests if Prozt doesn't work for you on devices with lower densities.
TIP: If font size seems small to you: Go to Settings > Display & lights > Font size. Adjust per your requirement.
Features:Dasboard app for customizing the themeVarious color configurations (2 Free)Optional Dark themes for many apps5+ fontsAlternative UI elementsDark Notifications styleCloud-based updates for wallpapers & fonts10+ Wallpapers
What's themedDialerContactsSettingsMessagingGalleryCalculatorClockMusicThemesAudioFXAOSP KeyboardLock Screen
Google appsGoogle+GmailPlay MusicMessengerHangoutsGoogle KeyboardYouTube
Third-party appsWhatsApp
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